Why Digital Marketing? | Importance of Digital Marketing
April 30, 2020
The biggest question every businessman out there is asking, Why Digital? The question which changed to “Why not Digital?”. Now it’s a statement, a strong firm statement “First Digital, Only Digital”. Here we are discussing about Why Digital Marketing and What are the benefits of Digital Marketing.
Ten years ago, people wouldn’t even have the faintest idea that the most prominent mass media would become obsolete one day. There would be a more accurate way of showing your advertisement to a target audience that you would like to see it. Rather than bombarding everyone with your ad, people who may not need it, but you didn’t have a choice.
But things changed today. The world changed today. A big hoarding in the middle of a bustling city is of less value now because people are looking at their valuable phones while they are on the bus or any other transports.
So, is it not better to show that target group in their mobile devices rather than displaying it in a hoarding unless you want everyone to see it? Isn’t the digital way more viable, efficient, and beautiful with respect to the budget, concept, and freedom of choice.
Freedom of choice might seem like a big word, but that’s the significant beauty in it. People would only see the ads which are of their interest and options.
For them, these might not be advertisements but useful contents that reach them at the point of their need. A choice that makes the producer and customer happy, a concept that makes digital marketing beautiful.
Traditional Vs Digital
The traditional medium was a significant platform for advertising. It reached out to millions, garnered more attention, and was used by many big companies in the past. It is said to be effective but was it efficient, was it enough? The answer is no and always will be no. There is no point in spending a large chunk for marketing if the content is being viewed by people who have no connection to your product. The content would only be suitable for a general audience.
An advertising platform should not be that. It should be narrow, it should be able to reach our audience, and most of all, it should be accurate. Such a concept for targeting advertisement was vague until the digital platform arrived.
From the day, emails were invented, the targeted advertisement was a concept which was refined on a daily basis. Collecting details through mails which would mostly end up in spams.
Never have anyone though of revolution big enough to overturn every traditional platform out there. The real-time data transmission has enabled a lot more than advertising. It has given the users a choice to select and see the ads they need to see. It changed everything.
The New World of Digital Marketing
The world out there changing in every second filling with contents, campaigns, ideas. Everyone is using the platform in the best way possible, and we are here to guide you through them.
The best bet the whole industry is having is on the digital marketing industry, the ways in which it helps your growth. There are a lot of possibilities and potential for your business out there.
All you need is the right partner to get you to the top.
The world and platforms of Google are changing every day with more skills requiring to get the grasp on the platform. There are a lot of platforms out there on Google. Having an Ads Manager is not enough to get you to digital marketing. There comes the most critical element to build up your digital marketing experience.
With all these tools in your hand, everything comes down to one single thing, how to market your product on these platforms. You will need a veteran in this field who will understand your product/service and guide your potential customers to you.
All this comes down to advertising, selecting the demography, understanding your target audience and presenting them the content. With that said, your potential customer would be in this mere second be bombarded with contents in their homepage of Facebook or Instagram. What makes you different from other vendors, why should they choose you, what makes you stand out, are all the real questions you need answers too. We answer that question.
From the traditional days of marketing, advertising was always the content you need to be presented in the most exciting way possible. So, as the product, the content to market these products are also relevant. It should be simple, easy to understand, and emotionally collect with the targeted audience.
Therefore, content marketing in the digital era is significant.
In this competitive era, you cannot do enough with one set of skills. For the required dynamicity in the Digital Marketing world, you need a pool of expertise to create what you deem to market.
The content pool out there is changing day by day.
Just creativity and designing is not the tools.
Video has come up to the top as the king of the content. AR technologies, filters, Creative Call to Action posts, people are creating new ways to communicate and propagate their brands and ideas.
What We Offer
So, you don’t just need a guy; you need a team who are dynamic, with a lot of skill set in various domains who use their skills in the direction you need to accomplish your ideas. That’s what a new-age marketing team would be like, dynamic, experimenting and bringing in new features every day. You need that partner who can bring in the resources you need to the table.
That is what Monolith IMC is, one of the best Digital Marketers in the entire south with the biggest pool of inhouse portfolios and external partners—bringing you the dynamicity in the content every day and marketing it extensively in every platform on the internet, reaching every one of you clients. We get you the right-click at the right time.
Also, refer topics related to Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing – Untapped Digital India, Content Marketing Strategies.